martedì 29 dicembre 2020


ARISS ha pianificato per questo periodo un altro dei suoi famosi eventi di esperimento nella modalità Slow Scan Television (SSTV), modalità con cui vengono inviate immagini dalla Stazione Spaziale Internazionale ISS tramite apparecchiature radioamatoriali e ricevute da radioamatori ed ascoltatori sulla Terra.

Le trasmissioni di immagini sono state trasmesse sulla consueta frequenza della Stazione Spaziale Internazionale ISS di 145.800 MHz e la modalità SSTV - PD120.

Anche io come molti altri appassionati mi sono cimentato nella ricezione delle immagini, con risultati non del tutto soddisfacenti dal punto di vista qualitativo delle immagini ricevute. 
Nonostante questo, tali ricezioni sono state sufficienti a ricevere il mio ARISS SSTV Award, con una mail accompagnatoria.

Hello IU3IOU,
ARISS Celebrating 20 Years of Continuous Operations on ISS. ARISS was established in 1996 as the successor to SAREX (Shuttle Amateur Radio Experiment on the USA Shuttles) existing since 1983. Activities onboard the International Space Station (ISS) by the space agencies: NASA, Roscosmos, ESA, JAXA, and CSA as well as AMSAT and organizations affiliated to the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) from the countries participating in the program, began in 2000. The first test of amateur radio contacts using the HAM station on the ISS with ground stations from Russia and the United States, took place 20 years ago on November 13. In the following days, there were other communication tests, while the first successful contact of ARISS with the school took place on December 21, 2000. After that more than 1300 school ARISS contact over the World were performed using callsigns: RS0ISS, NA1SS, OR4ISS, IR0ISS, DP0ISS, FX0ISS, GB1SS, FX0STD, HL0ARISS, IZ0JPA, AB55IK, 9W2MUS, PY0AEB.

Presently after 20 years of continuous operations, ARISS volunteers carry out many amateur radio experiments: radio voice repeaters, Digital APRS repeaters, amateur radio satellites, SSTV images, ARISS activity awards, and direct audio and digital video contacts with the ISS crew. It offers students the chance to have an exciting experience – a face-to-face conversation via amateur radio with the crew members onboard the International Space Station. It activates young people's interest in STEAM and motivates them to learn.

Transmission of SSTV images from the International Space Station is possible thanks to the involvement of many people working for ARISS.

*** Happy New Year 2021 ***


Greetings - Slawek SQ3OOK
ARISS SSTV Award Manager

Alle prossime e cieli sereni.
73 de Giorgio IU3IOU

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